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Hello Everyone. It’s been a very interesting journey writing about names and the power behind them and for this post, I will be attempting to write about a ministry so dear to my heart – KOINONIA.
God through this ministry has done so many things deep within my heart and soul that I hope never to recover from and I am pretty sure many others have the same testimony. I might have shared in one of the previous posts when I started listening to Apostle Joshua Selman’s messages. It was in the year 2019 (I always thought it was 2018). Prior to this time, I had heard about him but I don’t think I ever sat to listen to any of his messages. Sometime that year though, a friend of mine named Ada came to visit for a few days and during one of those days, she was playing a message on her phone and there was something about that message that pulled me. I couldn’t help but ask who it was that was preaching, and when she told me, I asked her to kindly send me that message and all his other messages she had (thankfully, she had more) #smiling# That was the beginning of a spiritual journey that forever changed my life, I keep saying – the story of my spiritual growth cannot be adequately told without capturing this ministry’s impact on it. Thankfully, at that point when my friend came, I was living alone so when she left, I camped with the messages. Whatever I was doing – cooking, doing chores, preparing for work, etc, the messages were being played. Frankly, I didn’t know who he was, never met him, and did not know his story, but there was something compelling about his speakings (now I understand it’s called ‘Anagkazo,’ which means the compelling power). Apparently, this effect wasn’t peculiar to me because the same thing happened to some others who heard me listening to these messages at various times.
In periods when even though physically alone, I would sense a pull in my spirit, like deep calling unto deep; his ministrations would deeply minister to me and when he would start to sing, I would literally feel goosebumps all over. This was a foreign experience to me and the amazing thing is that most of those messages were audio. Due to these experiences, I resolved to research him to find out who exactly he was and why he was so different (like one can google spiritual things, lol…)
Anyhoo, I found the name of the ministry, its location and things like that……

Some words used to define the word, ‘Koinonia’ are ‘fellowship, communion, intimacy, joint participation, partnership.’
Little wonder what was happening to me; the more I listened to these messages, the more I desired…I honestly wanted to know God more experentially, I wanted to comprehend His ways…I just wanted more of what I couldn’t even verbalise.
Needless to say, I couldn’t stop listening to the messages and quickly went on YouTube to download more…The truth is that his teachings resonated so strongly with what the Holy Spirit had been teaching me in The Word. I kept learning, re-learning, and unlearning. The Spirit through those messages ministered life to my life. Suddenly, I began to see possibilities in God, realities of Redemption, lies of the enemy, etc. I even intended to go to Zaria to attend some of his meetings but God worked a major miracle in my life – yet again. Shortly before I was to move back to my home city, I earnestly began to seek God’s face on which Ministry to join in order to serve and be nourished. There was a kind of fellowship my heart was yearning for; I now know that God saw my heart and sent Koinonia to that same city a week before my move. Guys, when I saw the information online, I was astounded and elated that God would orchestrate such a strategic destiny move. It probably sounds too good to be true or some may say it was simply a coincidence but I know it was not – God saw the deep yearnings of our hearts and knew that we so needed this and so, He prepared and sent Apostle at just the right time. Severally, he has shared the story of how he had planned to move to this same city a few years ago but was warned by God in a vision that it wasn’t yet time and so he didn’t. When it was time though, God made all things work out and now Sundays are for me, a day I am assured that no matter how I go in for Service, I am not permitted to come back the same way. The teachings aren’t only spiritual; they are practical, honest, proven, and life-changing. They bring about transformations in the lives of the listeners. They make us want to do better; want to be better. They teach us holiness, hard work, good character, sacrifice, integrity, humility, excellence, favor, grace, diligence, contentment, prayer, honor, serious-mindedness, and wisdom, amongst other things. They empower us. They make us stand out. They make us courageous. Above all, they impact our spiritual life in such a way that we not only hunger and thirst after God, but we also seek to love Him more, and more….

During Services, there is such an electrifying presence; one can literally feel the presence of The Holy Spirit – so palpable. Most Services have me sitting at the edge of my seat with tears running uncontrollably down my face. There is this assurance in my spirit that things are changing in my life.
I recall one of those days when I happily came home after Service and went to go greet my mum. She said something that would get the former me into an argument but the Lord had already been teaching me wisdom to relate with her and so I just smiled in response and left (She had said I would have to find another place of worship because we dismiss late, if only she knew what I was receiving). A few months later, this same mum followed me to Koinonia Service. I think she has attended two or three services onsite and has followed some online. It’s important to state that I didn’t invite her, she just decided to come and worship. Brethren, results do speak for themselves, so don’t even bother yourselves. Let the Lord fight for you while you hold your peace.

It’s so fascinating that whenever I have to leave town for a few days or weeks, I plan my trip around Koinonia meetings so I don’t miss much, and even when I am away, the thing I miss most are these physical meetings.

Also important to note is that these teachings aren’t only applicable to our spiritual lives but also to our careers, businesses, aspirations, academics, families, marriages, finances, relationships, etc…It truly is encompassing.
Apostle Joshua Selman is an example of what God can do with a man who lays his life as a living sacrifice in honor and love to his Maker. No wonder God has determined to honor him the way He does. This post isn’t about worshipping a man or a ministry, it is about how God affirmed a prophetic Name and continually uses it to restore many (and bring glory) to Himself.
Apostle recently said, ‘Koinonia is beyond the name of a ministry, it’s beyond a program. It is an experience; an experience that should never leave you the same; an experience that is a blend of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit, the Ministry of the Word of God.’
I agree, the evidence of that experience is clear.
As some of you can already tell, this ministry is personal. It is an answer to the contemplations of my heart and I often pray for Apostle; that God will continue to grant him grace, protect him and cause him to finish well.

We will conclude with the following Scriptures.
Luke 2:52 (NKJV) “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”

Jude 1:20 (GNT) “But you, my friends, keep on building yourselves up on your most sacred faith. Pray in the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Galatians 5:22-23 (AMP)  “But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

Acts 6:3-4 (NKJV) “Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business; but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word.”

Acts 20:32 (HCSB) “And now I commit you to God and to the message of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all who are sanctified.”

2 Corinthians 3:16-18 (MSG) “Whenever, though, they turn to face God as Moses did, God removes the veil and there they are—face-to-face! They suddenly recognize that God is a living, personal presence, not a piece of chiseled stone. And when God is personally present, a living Spirit, that old, constricting legislation is recognized as obsolete. We’re free of it! All of us! Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of his face. And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him.”

If at the end of the day all you have is God, then you have more than enough.
#God is Love#

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