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Hello Everyone.
A very happy new year to you all.
Hope we are all doing great? This year is pregnant with a lot of great possibilities and we believe God that by the end of December 2023, we will return with a whole lot of testimonies.
For some of us, we are taking out time this first month to fast, pray, study, meditate on God’s Word and seek God’s face so we don’t miss it this year. We are literally sowing this month as a seed to reap in the remaining parts of the year. For some others, they think we are being too spiritual and wasting our time, instead of relaxing and ‘enjoying’ life. Yet there are another special group of people who neither mind or not; the lukewarm – they are cruising on autopilot, ‘anywhere belle face,’ they are casual about life, thinking….. ‘anything goes.’

Well, whatever group you most likely identify with, its important to commit your plans for any and everything. I love love my memory verse for the week, Proverbs 16:1,3 (MSG) “Mortals make elaborate plans, but God has the last word. Put God in charge of your work, then what you’ve planned will take place.”

That’s very comforting for me to know, really; that God is interested both in my work and my plans. Therefore I can confidently plan while trusting Him to breathe life into them.
I pray that as we pay the price, may we gain the prize. Amen.

If at the end of the day all you have is God, then you have more than enough.
#God is Love#

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