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The ‘daily offering,’ means we must daily submit ourselves to God as a sacrifice to be used for His glory. Most times, when we wake up in the morning, we have our plans for the day ready and it’s okay to plan, the trick is often our tendency to plan without asking God for His Will; which isn’t wisdom, seeing as He alone knows the end from the beginning. We need to yield ourselves daily to His leading; that way, we’ll never go astray.

‘The fire must be kept burning upon the altar continually. It must never go out.’

That means that to stay spiritually on fire, we must do whatever it takes to stoke the flames. Very vital here is Fresh wood (God’s Word) and fan (Praying; especially in the Holy Ghost). You can never get enough of God’s Word, I’ll like you to note that; never! There are always deeper realms of revelation in God’s Word. Just when you think you’ve gotten the ‘best,’ another hits your spirit, wham! The moment you start slacking in putting fresh wood into the fire; the fire begins to die down. It’s just like cooking party jollof with fire wood. After sometime, the initial fire wood you put in begins to burn out. What do you do? Would you serve half-done party jollof or would you ensure to put in fresh wood even before the initial ones burn out? To keep the fire burning, not only do we need to put fresh wood, we also need to fan the flames. The ‘fanning’ here can be likened to praying in the Holy Ghost. There is something life-changing, impactful and powerful about praying with revelation from the Word of God in the Holy Ghost. We rise to higher levels in the spiritual realm, which when manifested in the physical, is mind-blowing.

If only we can be diligent in keeping with this instruction; if only we will be committed to keeping the fire burning at all times; if only we will give time to improving our relationship with God, ah! I can imagine how our lives will be. Our testimonies will be so great that ten different men from ten different nations will clutch at our coat sleeves asking us to be their friends because they have seen that of a truth, God is with us. (Zech 8:23)

May the Word of the Lord continue to daily transform our lives, Amen.

If at the end of the day all you have is God, then you have more than enough.


#God is Love#




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