So guys, I am so excited! Finally got to sit in on Apostle Joshua Selman’s meetings, and kai, it was so unlike any meeting I have been in. Reminded me of the kind of meetings recorded in ‘God’s Generals.’ From the worship, to the electrifying prayers, to the testimonies, and then the intentional right division of the Word of Truth and finally to the winning of souls for Christ. Kai! I have been around for more meetings than I can count but his are hardly describable. AJS usually says something and after being in his meetings, I have to agree that, ‘Only dead men carry God.’
To operate in the dimension of the Spirit this man does, he practically had to die to his flesh. He says that he would give up ministry a thousand times if God asks him to do so. He isn’t willing to exchange the manifest presence of God for anything. I wanna share some truths I learnt from his last meeting, as you read, may you be blessed.
- Eternal life is to know God and Jesus Christ. (John 17:1-3)
- Your confidence in this Kingdom is predicated on your knowledge of Him.
- If the objects of your pursuit are material things, with time you’ll get frustrated in your Christian experience.
- When God wants to bless a man, He gives him Himself.
- We live in a world where people focus on material gains and downplay the need for a relationship with Jesus.
- The real proof of love is not things, the real proof of love is self. If you really love God, the real gift to give Him is yourself. The price for all of God is all of you. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son….’’ (John 3: 16).
- Society has made us feel foolish for chasing after God. Many people have given up their relationship with Jesus for material things.
- A story was told of a wealthy man who was about to die. He was unhappy because his sons were fools and so he couldn’t confidently hand over his riches to them. He then gathered them all and told them that they would each be given an opportunity to choose a single property of his as an inheritance while the other properties would be passed on to his worthy servant. His sons were very angry because their father was a very wealthy man and had lots of properties. One of the sons then spoke up and chose as his inheritance, the said servant. Your guess is as good as mine on how the story ends – the man died a happy man, knowing his wealth was in good hands.
The point of this story is that one thing can entitle you to multiple things.
- For example if God gives you an opportunity to choose between the following, which would be your pick? Money, Cars, Your dream job, A godly spouse, Fame, Riches, Healing, Ministry, Anointing, (MOG take note), Children and finally, Himself. Most of us would grovel to satiate our immediate needs, thinking to settle with God later. But as foolish as we are in our so-called earthly wisdom, we forget that when we pick God, whether the devil likes it or yes, we invariably get every other thing added. Matt 6:33 ‘’Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find your everyday human concerns will be met.’’ (The Message Translation)
When we choose God, what men pray for become our gifts (yes, men will bring it to us). Material things are in themselves not bad, we just need to go about getting them the right way.
- In this Kingdom, our power and influence; our relevance really, is predicated upon our relationship with God.
- God is asking us to come back to Him. It’s time to let go of what has been holding us and return to the secret place. Will you keep running away or to the Master?
If at the end of the day all you have is God, then you have more than enough.
#God is Love#