My Women’s Devotional & Study Bible has had me studying for two weeks now, certain women of the Bible. I must confess, it’s been an exciting study. I obviously can’t share all I have learnt but I wanna share about Mary of Bethany. Scriptural Reading: John 12:1-8. Excerpt from the Devotional:-
“She did not care what they thought of her. Her reputation was of little importance in the light of what she planned to do. Holding in her hand the box of expensive perfume, her hair let down to use as a towel, Mary entered a room full of men. She poured the entire contents of the box over Jesus feet and wiped them with her hair. The scent of the perfume filled the whole house but not the hearts of the disciples.
The criticism was swift and intended to shame. How dare she waste what could have been used to feed the poor? She stood silent but Jesus came to her defence. He knew her heart. He understood her act was prompted by love for him and perhaps her dawning understanding that he was going to die.
Can we give Jesus anything that is comparable to Mary’s gift? Hers was in response to his coming sacrifice. Ours, too, must be in response to his death on the cross for us. In Romans 12:1 Paul encourages us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. It will be costly because it will mean giving up our autonomy and becoming slaves to Christ; it may well irritate our family and friends and bring forth sharp and hurtful criticism. But it will mean that through us, God will spread everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Jesus (2 Corinthians 2:14). What a tremendous privilege!’’
My personal note;
At certain points, you are gonna have the opportunity to be vulnerable with God; in times like those, ignore who may be present and work your way to your testimony. Remember Blind Bartimaeus, he shouted his way to his breakthrough. Sometimes, our ‘propriety’ before people in the presence of God is what’s holding back our testimonies. God is ever merciful. No matter the level of atrocities, He has washed them all away with His precious blood; give Him a chance to show you just how much.
God will help us.
If at the end of the day all you have is God, then you have more than enough.
#God is Love#