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A few years ago, my lastie called me up and after exchanging pleasantries, he said to me, ‘’Ehen, Ada, I don’t know if you have any money that you are not using.’’ ‘What?’ I thought to myself, ‘I couldn’t have heard him correctly,’ and so I asked him to repeat his question and he said exactly the same thing! I said as I burst out laughing, ‘’Huh? Any money I’m not using, what does that even mean?’’ He said, “Yes na. If you have, please give me, I wanna use it to buy data for subscription.’’ I told him, ‘’You are not serious o, do people have money that they are not using, if you want money for data, why don’t you just ask straight up? No wahala sha, how much do you want, I’ll send it.’’ After telling me how much he needed and thanking me in advance, we hung up and I kept laughing and shaking my head at how this lovely boy always find creative ways of getting what he wants. Prior to that call, I had never heard of that line. On a second thought however, I discovered that truly, people do have money that they aren’t using; at least not for the moment, and also, that people do not receive simply because they do not ask. Matthew 7:7 admonishes us to ask and we shall receive. And so, I wanna ask, ‘Please, does anyone have any money that they are not using? I wanna buy my Acura ZDX; dark brown color. Thank you in advance.’ Hehe…

Maybe some other time, I’ll share the other funny way(s) my younger ones employ to get what they want.

If at the end of the day all you have is God, then you have more than enough.


#God is Love#





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