Reminded me of someone who said he doesn’t cut his hair just anywhere. He goes to a barbing salon that has style and an air conditioning unit so he is comfortable and knows he is getting value even if he has to pay extra for it.
I recall when I saw a tissue roll that went for a hundred and seventy naira to two hundred naira apiece – Rose Carla, and I was like why? (This was some years ago). What was so special about this roll that made it more expensive than others? People kept purchasing it, sometimes, even the full roll x 6 and I kept on wondering… I can’t vividly recall the one I was using then but I think it went for a hundred and twenty naira apiece. Then one day I went to the market to do my monthly shopping and I came in contact with this same tissue roll and said out loud, ‘what is so special about this tissue sef? Why do people like buying it?’ The seller said to me, ‘It’s really nice, why don’t you just buy one and try it and then you’ll understand why people like it.’ I grudgingly bought one; more out of curiosity than necessity. Men and brethren, the first day I used it, I was sold. It was so good and comfy, that from that day till date, it’s still my roll of choice. Even when the price started increasing, I was still buying o, most times, the full roll, who no like better thing? Sometime in 2018, I discovered another that sold for five hundred naira apiece – Vinda. The quality is top notch! Though I haven’t gotten the mind to purchase that, it’s definitely on my list. Sometimes, when we hear the cost of something, we wonder at the amount until we purchase or use that good or service; only then can we truly appreciate its value and exclaim, ‘no wonder!’ I agree that this is not always the case, but most times is. There’s an inhaler for nasal decongestion that goes for a thousand, nine fifty and people make some comments like, ‘for wetin?’ ‘e dey cure cancer?’ ‘wetin e dey work?’ and so on… but there are some who know its value and they buy it without plenty talk. My younger brother even while an undergraduate used to make use of a toothpaste that cost a thousand, seven fifty as of then o, don’t know how much it is now. Even though I didn’t support such extravagance, I knew he was getting value for his (sorry, mum’s) money. #winks#

price vs value
I love this ❤️❤️❤️😍😍♥️♥️
Of course you do.
Minister of Enjoyment.