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Hi guys.
It’s been soooo long.
This year for me has been a very intentional one. At the beginning of the year, I knew in my heart that I had to try what I had never tried before to get results I had never gotten before and by the mighty hand of God and His ever watchful eyes, that happened. I took a chance on God and shut down everything to press into Him and oh, did I have fun! Even though some thought I was making a hasty decision, I knew God wanted me and so I went with Him. I had grown used to Him that I took some things for granted and didn’t just bother with some others. So what did I
do? I went for a retreat for months; didn’t know how long it would take or what exactly I would be doing but I knew what I shouldn’t be doing and that was enough. During this time, apart from Service days, I had devoted days of fasting; joined the prayer team in my Church back home; attended a worship program weekly whenever I could, went to Christian Drama school and just spent time with Jesus. End result; I have grown in every single ramification and I am so grateful to God for that. Plus bonus packages here and there. It’s so amazing that even though I didn’t have a monthly income as I was used to, the One who called me by name led me beside still waters and provided so bountifully. This God ba?! I really want to know what He cannot do.
Looking back at my spiritual goals for the year, I often tell myself, “Waoh girl, you nailed it!” Of course I never would have been able to do so without the help of the Holy Spirit. (When I did try to do it myself, I fell so helplessly like a pack of cards). His presence was so visible in my life especially this year. I had insight to things afore time, enjoyed answer to prayers and was at the right places at key times. I was unusually calm in stressful and even bothersome circumstances and enjoyed favour both with God and man. Towards the end of the year though, precisely this month (December), I found that I started becoming irritated at little things and when I back-traced, the realisation that I wasn’t spending as much time praying in the spirit and just enjoying quiet time with God was staring me in the face. Guys for people like us, spending (quality) time with God is our anxiolytic. For some others, it might be indulging in alcohol, tobacco, excessive eating and other unhealthy habits. These provide temporary relief, but for something more permenant, Jesus remains the answer; yesterday, today and forever. You know, I noticed something very spectacular one day which I would like to share. So, I came home one evening and decided to spend an hour praying in the spirit since I hadn’t spent good time doing so in the morn time. After
spending such sweet time in His presence, I had a phone call and while on the phone, I happened to casually pass through the mirror and I saw an image that stunned me – I was glowing! No kidding! I stepped back to the mirror and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, it was like 2 Corinthians 3:18 came alive for me that day. “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” (NKJV) As I beheld Him, I became like Him. This actually happened several other times since then. Allow me to say, there is no other name under heaven by which anyone can be saved except the name of Jesus (see Acts 4:12). Come to Him today and live life like you never imagined. See you all next year by God’s grace. If at the end of the day all you have is God, then you have more than enough.

#God is Love#

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