Sound familiar? Have your ability ever been put to question by others? Have you had people stare you in the face and ask what in the world you were doing in that position of power? Have you ever had people that don’t really know you say all sorts of nonsense about you? Have even those you thought would always have your back left you out to
dry when your integrity was in question? Have you had those you were put to lead, openly despise you because you don’t look like much? Have you had people judge you because of your past even though you are now a new creature? (2 Cor 5:17) If you have ever been through any of the above scenarios, then relax; you are in good company. I remember thinking to myself after studying this particular Scripture, how, if it were to be in our generation, some
people who got these kinds of treatment would become ‘depressed.’ They would wonder why everyone didn’t like and
support them and why they didn’t all bring them ‘presents?’ But did you see Saul’s reaction? The Bible said, ‘he took no notice.’ Wow! Really? That means he didn’t ‘send them.’ His eyes were looking ahead; he was looking up knowing that, that was the only way he could go forward. Saul knew his business wasn’t with ‘bums and loafers,’ his business was with God, His prophet (Samuel) and all others who God had touched their hearts to support him. So, yeah, I say again, ‘You don’t need everyone to make it in life, neither do you need everyone to like you.’ Some people are so
desperate for the applause of the crowd that they will do anything to keep them clapping. Forgetting that the exact same people that ask you to become their king today, will ask that you be crucified tomorrow (as in the case of Jesus). Don’t be deceived, some people need you only as long as you are relevant to their selfish agenda, as soon as
they find another host or perceive that you are no longer useful, they ‘discard’ you without a second thought. Years ago, I was struggling with some hard decisions I had to make to keep our staff in order. It was raising so much dust that I had to speak to one of my bosses and she said to me, ‘You have no business looking down on your way

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