Paul had to be made all things to all men so that he may by all means, save some. (1 Corinthians 9:22) In the same stead, in faith, let’s reach out to the ‘sick,’ loving them even through their change. Forget the grumbling of the crowds, do what God has laid in your heart to do. I am so glad that God looks at the heart, and that unlike men, He cannot be deceived.

While writing this post, I happened upon one of my journals where I took down notes on a book I had read about three years ago and when I went through my notes, I was amazed to see that what God had revealed to the author many years ago, He was revealing to me now. Permit me to include excerpts from Joyce Meyer’s ‘Reduce me to love.’

‘’God doesn’t require us to earn His love, and we must not require others to earn ours. We must realize that love is something we are to become; it is not something we do and then don’t do. We cannot turn it on and off, depending on who we want to give it to and how they are treating us. Some people are sent into our lives to be sandpaper to us. Not only do others have rough edges, but so do we. Learning to walk in love with unlovely people and learning to be patient in trials are probably the two most important tools God uses to develop our spiritual maturity. Believe it or not, all those obnoxious people in our lives help us; they sharpen and refine us for God’s use. Love like God! God doesn’t look for people who are worthy of His love, He looks for people who are in need of His love. Unconditional love unselfishly loves selfish people, generously gives stingy people and continually blesses unappreciative people. Unconditional love thinks long range. It sees what people can become if only someone will love them. It is stronger than anything else. Change takes time, and we must be willing to suffer with another through difficult times of being transformed. Most people who are hard to love have suffered so much along the road of life that it has altered their personality. Outwardly, they may seem hard and bitter, but inwardly, they are crying out for love. Be stable! Do not allow your circumstances change your behaviour. If we have not learned to be stable in difficult circumstances, we will not be able to show stability with difficult people.

Unconditional love does not allow people to remain the same, instead, it loves them while they’re changing. The ex-prostitute does need to learn how to dress in a godly manner, but if she feels rejected before she learns, she may well run right back to her old lifestyle.

Unconditional love will overcome sin and transform lives. People who are repentant and sincerely want to be free are totally different from those who want others just to accept them and their sinful lifestyle. Jesus said that He did not come for the well, but for the sick (Matt 9:12). Our world today is sick, from head to toe, and there is no answer for what ails it except Jesus Christ and all that He stands for. God loves all people, but many of them may never learn it unless Christians everywhere begin to pray and ask the Lord to reduce them to love. Beware of a religious attitude which is full of pride, rejection, criticism and judgment.’’


I am pretty sure you wanted to go on and on reading the book, but I can’t put it all in here; what you read was just a sneak peek, there is much more good stuff in there and I highly recommend it.

Like I said, I first read this book about three years ago and I have read it at least three times since then. That should tell you how much work I still have to get done. It’s funny that I used to expect human beings to be perfect; have it all together and you know….but I forgot one important detail; that I myself ain’t perfect! And so, I learnt and am still learning to take both the cool side of people along with their craziness and I must confess, it’s been quite an experience! (laughs deeply)

I strongly believe that people can change and what better catalyst than the never ending love of God?!

If at the end of the day all you have is God, then you have more than enough.


#God is Love#




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4 Discussion to this post

  1. Ada Onuoha says:

    God’s love is the true definition of love. Oh that we will daily reflect and exude this same love that He has loved is with!

  2. Michael says:

    People can change… and the best catalyst is God’s Love.

    Words on Marble!

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