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I want to share a write up I did around Easter last year, hope it teaches you a thing or two as it did me.

During a conversation with my Dad over the phone on Sunday, he said something that left me in deep thought. Our conversation went something like this….

Me; Hello Daddy, Good Evening Sir. Happy Easter. How are you doing?

Dad; Ada, I’m fine o. Happy Easter.
I just came in from watching a match; they beat my club. (He is an Arsenal fan. On Sunday, Crystal Palace beat Arsenal 3-2).

Me; Eyaaah… Daddy, sorry o. At least it’s better than Jay, that they beat his club 4-0. (Jay is my Elder Bro, a die-hard Man U fan. That same day, Everton beat Man U 4-0. My bro was so upset eh, thank God it didn’t ruin our day sha, because we had legit plans) #winks#
Back to my conversation with Dad..
Dad; As in eh…..

Me; Daddy na, if your club keeps losing, you can always change clubs.

Dad; No, I can’t. I’m an old man. I can’t change clubs just like that. I’m not a young person that can just leave because things are difficult.

Me; (Now very very sober) Yes Sir, that’s true. It’s the right thing to do.
And so we continued to other news….

Now guys, my younger brother was a very passionate Arsenal fan. He and my Dad were the only Arsenal fans in the house; they shared that special bond. However, after years of several beatings to the club (sometimes, back-to-back) leading to several heartbreaks for my brother, he very quietly switched teams. I guess his sweet heart couldn’t take it anymore. He did it so quietly that I had no idea. The day I found out (many months later), I was shocked; to say the least. I didn’t want to say much sha, so I don’t make him feel worse. But I can see that even though he is now for Etihad (Manchester city), his heart still silently pants for Arsenal.  He still follows their matches and cheers for them, but their losses don’t hurt as much anymore, I guess. You know how when you love someone and for one reason or the other, you can’t be with them, but each time you see the person, your heart kindda goes out to them? Yeah, that’s the feeling.

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