Since the main culprit was the sweet one, shey you would expect an equally easy, straight answer? I did too; greatest mistake of my childhood! I looked at my brother to own up to the crime but he looked like he had no idea what my
mum was even talking about. Ehn, how? My Mum asked again, still no answer. She then told us that since we couldn’t be truthful about something as simple as this, she was gonna flog us until the mastermind owned up to the act and so, the flogging began. She flogged me for a while and then turned to my brother and did same, and then back to me and then to him. I don’t know how long this went on for but it was quite a while and to make matters
worse, the door was locked and so we couldn’t run out, neither could anyone come to our rescue. All our screams of, ‘’Mummy please we won’t do it again,’’ ‘’Mummy sorry now,’’ ‘’Mummy please now,’’ ‘’Mummy it is okay now,’’ fell on deaf ears. She kept asking the question with each stroke she gave us. After sometime, I was done covering up for my brother and loudly told him to own up to his misdeeds. I got the shock of my life when he said to my mum that it wasn’t him and so the flogging continued. Mum wasn’t letting up and bro wasn’t owning up. As little as I was, I knew I hadn’t fulfilled purpose and was too young to die because of a lie. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I said, ‘’Ok
Mummy, its me. Its me. Sorry.’’ Immediately, the flogging stopped. I could see in my mum’s eyes that she thought it was me all along (heart breaking). My brother was still crying his stupid crocodile tears with his cute face; liar like him. My mum warned us never to try it again and instructed us to pack everything back into the drawers and sleep! With that, she turned and left, locking the door after her. It was then that I turned and had a long, hard look at the
lying traitor. I still couldn’t believe what just happened; that I had to lie to save a liar? Kai! He had stopped crying (of course he had, they were fake tears after all) and when I asked him why he didn’t own up, he said I should please leave him alone. Can you imagine that? I was pained and disappointed.

Passing the blame
There is definitely foolishness in a child’s heart
Yes o, and with the rod of correction, we shall drive it far away.